Friday, June 30, 2017

Vin Santo it’s the sweet one!

As a class, we went to a vineyard in Montepulciano, after touring the vineyard our class nestled down on a lengthy table to eat and taste wine.  After eating plate after plate of lasagna they brought out more food and more food. The food ranging from cold cuts to salads was amazing. Now I have been ignoring the fact that we tried 4 of their wines during this meal ranging from wine that was not aged to wine that has been aged for years and had a very woody, spicy aroma which went well with the meal. After being completely stuffed and satisfied the owner brought us out a bottle of his dessert wine called Vin Santo. The process of making it he added was to dry white grape varieties out for 4 months reducing the original volume by at least 60%. They are then gently pressed and the resulting juices high in concentrated flavor are fermented for 10 years. The particular bottle he had was from 1995. They poured it in a very small glass, maybe 1 ounce. By the time he poured the wine, I did not know how I was going to be able to fit anything else into my body. That is until I smelled this small amount of wine. It smelled as if it were cognac whiskey. With a hesitant tongue, I tasted the wine only to find out I was tasting the best dessert wine I will ever taste in my lifetime. I sipped on the wine continuing to smell the aroma while enjoying almost a nut/raisin rich kick followed by honey. From there I was sold and eventually purchased a bottle so my family can try this amazing wine in the states. Vin Santo wine has been made since the middle ages and is a part of traditional Tuscan life. There is no set way of making Vin Santo wine as some dry the grapes for a couple months while some may dry them for up to 6 months’ time. The fermentation process also varies from 2-10 years. It can be dry to syrupy sweet also containing many varieties of white grapes. This makes the wine a truly unique drink in my eyes. I am proud to have purchased the bottle and cannot wait for dessert time in the states!

-Ryan Drapela


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