Friday, June 30, 2017

Isle of Capri

This past weekend a group of students and I went to Capri, a small island off of the Amalfi Coast. It is such a beautiful place to visit and definitely one of my favorites! Of all of the outstanding things to see on the island, I couldn’t help but notice the gigantic lemons being sold at the market stands. These lemons are harvested three times a year and are very sweet as a result of volcanic soil, a year-round, perfect climate, and a good amount of rainfall each year. The main purpose of harvesting the lemons is to create Limoncello, an alcohol drink the island is know for. Normally served as a cold digestive, Limoncello is made from the rind of lemons and is first washed with warm water to clean it from pesticides. Then lemons are peeled within 24 hours after harvest and infused with alcohol made from molasses. Limoncello can be ready to serve in a span of two weeks and is easy to find on Capri and in surrounding areas off the Amalfi Coast.
It is so nice to learn about production of Limoncello and the actual fruit in class and have an opportunity to compare it in person. I love learning things that are applicable because when I see it, I am more likely to appreciate the experience more. I have loved learning about production of Limoncello, wine, olive oil and coffee because I will have the opportunity to take what I have learned back to the United States and acknowledge the hard work it takes to create the things it takes me minutes to consume. I can't wait to explain what I've learned from my time here in Italy to my friends and family so we can all be aware of where our favorite things come from!

-MadSwag (maddy stripling)

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