It is hard to believe that my time in Italy is quickly coming to an end. I have enjoyed my time here and all of the places I was able to visit. As I look back on my time here in Italy, the one thing that stands out clearly in my mind are all of the beautiful and colorful flowers that bloom all over Italy that make it so unique and beautiful. The flower that I found most attractive was the fuchsia bougainvillea flowers that can be seen no matter where you go in Italy. Whether it is along the countryside or in the main cities around Italy. Although the species is native to South America, they can now be found all throughout the world. They grow very well here in Italy because of the climate and are a summertime plant. The color of the flower comes from what are called bracts that grow in the stem of the flower. The bracts are thin and have a papery feel to it, which is why the bougainvillea is sometimes called the paper flower. Although the bougainvillea comes in other colors, like white and orange, the most popular the the fuchsia/pink colored ones that grow in Italy. -CML
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